Now that I have short hair, I get questions. So I give an answer that generates another question - "why?" I feel like answering "Would you like the truth, or a short answer?"
Here are some short answers that constitute some-but-not-all of the truth:
Because I need to hang out with adults once in a while.
Because the only way for me to get a "day off" is by government order.
Because I need a hobby that makes money.
Because I need money to support my "secret weapons program" hobbies.
Because I want to work off some of my "debt to society" with Student Loan Repayment.
Because absence makes the heart grow fonder, and hungry pets are more grateful to see you, but suicide is a terrible way to help your family understand how much you do for them.
Because others need to learn to take care of my kids or I'll never get any work done.
Because I need to learn to trust others to take care of my kids or I'll never get any work done.
Because I don't believe the left-wing's conspiracy theories about this administration and about the war in Iraq.
Because I have my own conspiracy theories.
Because I swore in '86 to defend our constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
Because if only right-wing nutjobs join the Army then the Army will be full of right-wing nutjobs.
Because I studied anthropology in college, and joining the Army will give me an opportunity to study a foreign culture without learning a new language.
Because in order to regain my sanity I need to surrender to a higher power.
Because I saw a "Support Our Troops" bumper sticker one time too many.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Why, continued
Posted by
"old dog"
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Locks of Love
This was the ponytail of the man I used to be. Now it's not. I was asked to donate it by the stylist. Said yes, got the haircut for free. I hope some kid with no hair will enjoy the wig made from it, and it will help them be the person they want to be.
It doesn't bug me to lose it. I've been imagining my hair being shorter for months. I feel lighter, and it's easier to wash.
The Saturday after swearing in I went out to get my hair cut. Took the wife and kids. My mom was there. Wife held the baby and took pictures. I really needed the kids to see it getting cut, especially the baby.
Cutting my hair was the latest and most visible in a series of changes I've already made. Some of them started three years ago. They were more painful, but invisible. This was easy.
So now I'm visibly marked as being different than before. People I run into regularly comment on it. I tell them I've joined the Guard, and get a variety of reactions. Some positive, some skeptical. None negative thus far. But everyone wants to know why.
Posted by
"old dog"
Friday, November 10, 2006
Now I am a soldier.
I, (state your name), do solemly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the state of (name of state) against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I willbear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of he President of the United States and the Governor of (name of state) and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to law and regulations. So help me God.
Posted by
"old dog"
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
This Little Piggy
This little piggy's full of penniesThis little piggy's full of dimes
This little piggy's full of liquor
and he's gettin' drunk all the time
This little piggy holds cookies
And this little piggy is made of meat
So which little piggy is gonna get the axe
when the family needs somethin' to eat?
Posted by
"old dog"